Sunday, 26 February 2012

Friday, 24 February 2012

~Ladang Syurga Kucing Terbesar~

Ladang ni bukan seperti ladang  yang biasa. Ladang ini menempatkan ratusan kucing terbiar dari merata tempat. Ia dibina pada tahun 2003 dari Craig Grant. Sebenarnya, Craig Grant bukanlah seorang yang sangat sukakan kucing sehinggalah beberapa tahun sebelum 2003 (mungkin dier dah suka lepas tu). Kemudian, dia menjadi sangat sukakan kucing dan membina ladang ini untuk menjaga kucingnya. Ladang ini menempatkan lebih 400 ekor kucing dangan kemudahan tempat tinggal dan makanan yang lengkap.
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~Kebaikan Membela Kucing Kepada Manusia~

Mungkin kita semua tidak menyedari banyak faedah yang dapat diperolehi dengan membela dan menyayangi kucing. Jom kita sama-sama review manfaat membela kucing terhadap manusia.

1. Menurunkan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular dan serangan jantung
Sebuah kajian dari University of Minnesota mendapati bahawa mereka yang tidak mempunyai kucing adalah antara 30 dan 40 peratus lebih tinggi untuk meninggal akibat penyakit yang melibatkan sistem kardiovaskular  daripada mereka yang mempunyai  kucing.  Risiko untuk seorang pemilik kucing mati akibat serangan jantung juga adalah sangat rendah

2. Meningkatkan fungsi  sistem imun (Daya Tahan Penyakit)
Membela  kucing dapat membantu meningkatkan fungsi kekebalan tubuh anda. Hubungan antara kucing dan pemilik kucing dapat meningkatkan  sistem kekebalan tubuh seseorang pemilik kucing.

3. Mencegah Alergi
Jika anda akan mempunyai bayi, mungkin anda patut mempertimbangkan untuk membela kucing .  Membela kucing dapat membantu anda mencegah alergi pada anak anda. Ada beberapa kajian yang baru lahir yang hidup dengan haiwan kesayangan dapat mengelakkan alahan  berkembang.

4. Membantu mencegah asma pada anak
Selain membantu untuk mencegah alergi berkembang terhadap anak anda, ada beberapa bukti bahawa hidup dengan kucing juga boleh membantu mencegah asma pada anak-anak. Memiliki kucing pada usia awal anak anda dapat membantu mereka untuk mengelakkan risiko menghidap asma. Ini kerana sentuhan antara anak anda dengan kucing dapat membantu mengatasi masalah pernafasan.

5. Mengurangkan Tekanan Darah
Percayakah anda dengan hanya dengan mengusap-ngusap  kucing dapat membantu  menurunkan tekanan darah. Mereka yang mempunyai haiwan kesayangan, menurut State University of New York di Buffalo kajian, lebih cenderung memiliki tekanan darah lebih rendah daripada mereka yang tidak mempunyai haiwan peliharaan.

6. Menurunkan Kolestrol
Berdasarkan kajian  pemilik kucing memiliki kolestrol lebih rendah daripada mereka yang tidak mempunyai kucing sendiri. Sebuah penelitian 2006 di Kanada menunjukkan bahawa memiliki kucing sebenarnya lebih berkesan dalam menurunkan kolestrol daripada memakan ubat-ubatan kimia.

7. Mengurangkan risiko Mendapat Stroke
Prospek mempunyai stroke adalah menakutkan. Jika anda prihatin tentang mengalami serangan stroke, anda boleh mempertimbangkan untuk membela kucing. Memiliki kucing dapat mengurangkan risiko stroke. Sebuah kajian di Universiti Minnesota mendapati bahawa pemilik kucing dapat mengurangkan risiko mendapat stroke.

8. Mengurangkan stress (tekanan perasaan) dan rasa cemas
Memiliki kucing boleh membantu mengurangkan stress dalam hidup anda. Banyak manfaat psikologi jika kita membela kucing, dan salah satunya adalah menghilangkan stress. Dengan menjaga  binatang atau berbicara dengan kucing anda, boleh membantu anda merasa lebih tenang dan mengurangkan tahap stres. Kehadiran seekor kucing bersama anda dapat membantu anda menenangkan diri anda kerana anda menikmati cinta tanpa syarat dari seekor kucing.

9. Menjadikan mood anda dalam keadaan “cool”
Dalam banyak kes, berinteraksi dengan haiwan kesayangan boleh membantu memperbaiki mood anda. Ini termasuk kucing. Memiliki kucing dapat membantu anda merasa lebih baik secara umum, dan meningkatkan mood anda.

10. Dapat membantu pesakit-pesakit Autis
Mereka dengan autisme mempunyai kesulitan berkomunikasi dalam cara yang sama seperti orang lain. Memiliki kucing benar-benar dapat membantu dalam kes ini. Ada kejadian di mana kucing telah berperanan dalam terapi untuk anak-anak autis.

11. Mengurangkan Kesepian
Hubungan persahabatan antara manusia dan kucing dapat membantu mereka yang kesepian. Hanya dengan memiliki kucing di rumah dan menghabiskan masa bersama boleh membantu mengurangkan rasa sunyi.
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Thursday, 23 February 2012


Type of supplement that you can give for your cat...:

1. Brewers Yeast

Brewers Yeast from BYS® is a very popular natural supplement for cats and dogs, a favorite of breeders. It is rich in important and essential vitamins, minerals and protein (amino acids) including abundant amounts of B-complex.
• The natural alternative for dogs and cats.
• Tasty and nutritious.
• A pure and natural high potency food supplement.
• Fortified with zinc and garlic.
• Will promote a healthy, shiny coat, help reduce shedding and repair skin damaged by flea infestation.
• All natural ingredients, no preservatives.'

2.Troy Laxapet Gel 
Gel yg lazat ini membantu menyingkir gumpalan bulu (hairballs) padakucing dan anjing. Pada sesetengah kes boleh dijadikan sebagai laxative (julap) dalam membantu melegakan sembelit pada anjing dan kucing.

Cara Penggunaan
 pada kucing : Sapu pada hidung atau bibir haiwan. [kucing akan menjilat untuk membersihkan kawasan tersebut :) ]
 Amaran :
Pengunaan yg lama dan berpanjangan boleh mendorog haiwan anda mengalami kekurangan vitamin berikan supplement

Oxyfresh's Pet Digestive Aid is enriched with FOS—a food catalyst for good bacteria—which promotes the growth of friendly cultures, restoring "good bacteria" to your pet's digestive tract. This gentle formula helps to improve nutrient absorption for optimal nutrition and increased resistance to disease and infections. Recommended daily to normalize bowel function, especially in older pets or those with canine parvovirus.

Recommended Use: 
Pets under 40 lbs: 1 capsule daily.
Pets 40 lbs and over: 2 capsules daily.
For ease of delivery, open capsule and sprinkle on, or mix in, your pet's food.
Ingredients: Lactospore —Sabinsa (provides a minimum of 50 billion viable, live spores per capsule),   Chicory—source of FOS (50 mg), Digezyme™ (20mg)


 For healthy pets with no apparent ear problems, Pet Ear Cleaner is the perfect preventative measure to help protect your pet from Otitis Externa. Can be used in combination with professional treatment to remove debris from an infected ear, without causing additional discomfort. A soothing, gentle, cleansing and deodorizing solution that is easy to use.

 Recommended Use: 
 Use every two to three weeks for routine cleaning, or more often as needed.
 Put 10 to 15 drops in each ear, massaging ear at the base. Let your pet shake his head, then wipe the remaining debris from the inside of the ear.


Kadang kala aktiviti seharian haiwan peliharaan kita menyebabkan mulut mereka berbau, berdarah gusi, membentuk tartar dan plak gigi, cedera, sakit dan iritasi.

Oxyfresh Pet Gel yang menggunakan campuran Oxygene dan Aloe Vera dapat melegakan kesakitan gigi, menyembuh dan menghilangkan bau nafas haiwan peliharaan. Formula Oxygene meneutralkan bakteria yang menyebabkan nafas berbau.

Produk berupa gel yang paling versatile ini tidak berbau (ordorless), tidak mempunyai rasa (tasteless) boleh digunakan secara luaran dan dalaman untuk melegakan, membersih dan menghilangkan bau.

* Berupaya melegakan gusi dan iritasi mulut, kecederaaan atau tanggal gigi;
                         * Selamat dan berkesan digunakan pada luka dan kulit melecet;
                         * Boleh digunakan sebagai ubat gigi haiwan

                          Cadangan penggunaan :
                         * Gunakan sebagai ubat gigi.


The dramatic Cat...very funny

                                  hahahaha....u never know what the action is...enjoyy


Enjoy the Video!!!!!!

                                               credit to:     


Here are some grooming tools for you to ensure your cat always clean and healthy..


2.Nail Clipper.


Here are some tips to grooming your cat..

 1.Trimming Claws
Trimming claws needn't strike terror in the heart of you or your cat. Even an adult cat that is unaccustomed to nail clipping can grow to accept the procedure, although it's best to start when the cat is young and everything is novel. Kittens' tiny needlework claws should be trimmed once a week; by the time a cat is about eight months old, you can reduce the trimming to once every two to four weeks for the rest of the cat's life. Place your cat on a table or hold him on your lap, or kneel down and clamp him between your legs. Grip a paw firmly and gently press on the pad to expose the claw. Don't forget to also trim the dewclaws that are further up along the paw. If you have a cat, one with extra toes similar to thumbs, the claws in the folds between the paws and the "thumbs" also need trimming. Using special clippers, trim off the clear, curved part of the claw in one rapid motion, cutting straight across and making sure to stay at least one-tenth of an inch away from the thicker part containing the vein, or "quick." When in doubt, cut off less claw and do the job more often. If you do accidentally cut the vein, stay calm. The claw will bleed, but your will affect your cat's reaction. Ideally, have clotting powder, a styptic pencil, cornstarch, or soft bar-soap on hand before you begin and apply it to the end of the claw. Or, you can press a gauze pad, clean cloth, or tissue over the damaged nail for several minutes until the bleeding stops. Some cats (even first-time adults) will allow you to cut all their claws right away. For less cooperative cats, start by simply handling their paws more and more, pressing lightly on the paw pads to extend the claws. Once this is accepted, try clipping one or two claws, stopping and letting your cat go whenever he starts to resist; eventually, you will cut them all. A team effort may be necessary to contain a writhing cat, with one person firmly grasping the loose skin at the scruff of the neck or holding the cat wrapped in a towel with just one paw at a time free, leaving the second person to handle the task of clipping.

 2.Cleaning Ears and Eyes
Check inside the ears every week and if you see a waxy residue, wipe it off with a cotton ball moistened with a small amount of feline ear cleaner or baby oil. (Never use a swab on a stick; if your cat moves suddenly, as he is wont to do, you may injure his ear canal or eardrum.) Hold the ear flap gently and dab carefully with the cotton ball. If your cat fidgets during cleaning, restrain him as you would when cutting his claws.

 3. Brushing
Although cats are tidy creatures by nature and groom themselves, they still need regular brushing. In addition to removing loose hair that would otherwise be swallowed or left on furniture, brushing promotes good circulation, stimulates the skin, and keeps the coat shiny. It's also a way to bond with your cat, as well as to check for any body changes that may signal a visit to the vet. The procedure is much the same for shorthair and longhair cats, but the tools will differ, depending on the length and texture of your cat's fur. Be sure to check a longhair cat for mats before you start brushing and very gently untangle any you find using your fingers or a wide-toothed comb. Soak more tenacious knots with detangling liquid or spray. If a mat won't come apart, you can, if you're very careful, snip it out with blunt-tipped scissors. Your cat's skin is very sensitive, as well as being loose, and it's fairly easy to make an accidental nick. Protect your cat by placing a fine-toothed comb between the mat and his skin. The alternative is to have mats removed by a professional groomer; if your cat is badly matted, this is the only option. Begin grooming by passing the brush along the cat's head and back. By following the same line you would if you were petting him, chances are the cat will relax, lulled by the pleasant sensation. Then, brush down the length of each side. As you go, stop often to clean the brush of collected hair. Next, brush down from below the chin along the throat and chest. To brush the inside of your cat's leg, hold him against your chest and reach over the outside of the leg. Your cat may object when you get to such areas as the rear thighs, the region where the legs join the body, and the belly. Be gentle and reassuring, but persevere without overdoing it. If the cat is getting anxious, stop and continue later; otherwise, you risk turning grooming into a hateful experience. Do the tail last, one small section at a time, carefully combing in the direction that the hair grows. Then, repeat the sequence with a fine-toothed comb, taking particular care on sensitive areas, to pick up any remaining loose hairs.

An older or injured cat may not be able to keep itself adequately clean and may need to be bathed. Some cats become very agitated during the process, however, so it's up to you to make bathing as stress-free as possible for all participants. You'll probably want a helper so one of you can hold the cat while the other does the shampooing. Both of you will probably get quite wet, so have lots of towels at the ready. It's also possible that you may get scratched, so take a few moments to trim the claws first. Placing something in the sink or tub that your cat can grip with his claws — a window screen, rubber mat, or several thick towels — may help him feel slightly more in control and less inclined to struggle. Never dump your cat into a sink full of water; total immersion is not the idea here. Instead, fill the sink with just enough warm water to rinse him easily. Hold your cat firmly, with one hand grasping his front legs, and place him in the water. Pour water over him with a small container and use a washcloth to wet more delicate areas such as the face and ears. Standard shampoos formulated for cats should be rubbed in thoroughly, and fully rinsed. Any traces of shampoo left on the cat's coat can cause irritation; so don't rush through this stage. If you are washing the cat with a flea shampoo, follow the directions for the product to the letter. After properly rinsing your cat, wrap him in a thick towel and hold him close to absorb the excess water. Continue drying by carefully squeezing the towel against his body and pulling it away again. You can gently rub shorthair cats with a towel, but this may cause matting in cats with longer coats. A small hair dryer can be useful (unless your cat is frightened by the noise of the motor). Keep the hair dryer on its lowest setting and never point it in your cat's face. Once he is dry, brush him thoroughly and compliment him effusively on how wonderful he looks.

5. Dental Care
As part of a regular checkup, your vet will look for signs of plaque and tartar buildup on your cat's teeth. Left unchecked, periodontal disease can actually contribute to heart, liver, or kidney disease. If a significant problem has begun to develop, a thorough cleaning, requiring the cat to be anesthetized, will have to be scheduled. To avoid the bother and expense of such cleaning, which is typically required every few years, brush your cat's teeth at least every other day. This is not as difficult, or crazy, as it might sound, as long as you introduce the procedure very slowly. For the first few days, sit quietly with your cat and gently stroke the outside of his cheeks. Then, let him lick a small quantity of cat dentifrice — never human toothpaste mdash; off your finger. Next, place a small quantity of the paste on a cat-sized toothbrush or gauze square. Gently push back the cat's top lip with your thumb and brush one or two teeth and the neighboring gums in a circular motion, pressing very lightly. Over several days, gradually brush a larger number of teeth. After each short session, reward your cat with a treat, preferably one for tartar control.


I just sent my cat for a mating services... This are the some pictures during the mating services..ENJOY IT!


                                                                 First Day of Oreo....


                                    Second Day still the same but not to fierce...

                                                         Day Three Pucci is trying to tackle Oreo....

                                                       DAY Fourth final Oreo Accept Pucci..

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Hi..I'm new blogger who want to share about my cat..Hope you all enjoy.!